Only members in good standing — per our current Bylaws — may nominate themselves or someone else for a position on next year’s DBIA-MAR Executive Council or Board of Directors.
Nomination forms must be returned by this deadline. If you have questions about any of the positions and the duties required therein, please review our Bylaws or contact Sara Jacobson.
Once a slate of officers is prepared, members in good standing will be given an opportunity to approve the slate and finalize our officer election through an email voting process.
Please note that the Vice President position is a three-year commitment as this person, once elected, moves on to serve as President and then Past President of our Board. Other positions are elected for one year, with a two-year cap of service.
As always, there will be numerous opportunities to serve on a DBIA-MAR Committee. Should you prefer volunteering in this capacity, simply reply to this email stating your interest to do so and we will compile a list of committees and their responsibilities to share with you.
Thanks for your immediate attention to this important effort, which helps our Region continue to grow and to provide the services our membership deserves.
Please forward your completed form to:
DBIA-MAR Executive Director, Sara Jacobson by July 31.
Thank you for your support and dedication to DBIA’s Mid-America Region Leadership.